Monday, October 20, 2008

oct 20,2008

wow I am back to the land of the living! After I got back from Austin I woke up in the middle of the night sick! I got a nasty stomach bug from my brothers house and it had me down, man it was hard I really wanted some bread and starches after i started felling better. But I made it.
I decided today that I would add a bit of raw apple cider vinegar in my diet. there is some debate on using it while doing yeast free but the majority is that its acceptable but needs to be refrigerated. Anyway the point is, that I needed to add some variations to my salads cause I am so over lemon and olive oil! I made a yummy one today with A.C.V. with E.V.O.O I added fresh basil, garlic clove, some paprika and a touch of salt man it was yummy.
I have had a couple people ask for my cookie recipes so here they are sorry but if you know me in the kitchen you know I try to re-invent recipes so my measurements are not perfect. there are severel variatioins of this recipe but if you google peanut butter rice krispy treats then you will get the basic idea, I just chance things up. there is a cereal by the brand name BARBARAS and the name of the cereal is BROWN RICE CRISPS, its sweetened with juice and is wheat free this cereal brand has great alternatives to the surgery crap on the market now.
I usually use almond butter but peanut butter is fine. I heat up brown rice syrup with about a tablespoon of coconut oil, I let it boil for about 3 min then take it of the heat, then add nut butter after its mixed well I poor it over a couple cups of the brown rice crisp.Typically I throw in some chopped up nuts, spelt pretzels, and a few chocolate chip. After spraying the glass pan with a bit of oil then I press the mixture in real tight by using some parchment paper. after a few min it hardens up then I cut them in squares. They are really good, and have no refined sugar.

another cookie I made was using the same concept with the brown rice syrup and nut butter, after heating the syrup and letting it boil a bit then adding in the nut butter. I mix some puffed rice with oats and mealed flax meal and then mix it all up. after it cools a bit then I make balls out of them and let them cool on parchment paper. I know this is vague, next time I make them I will measure it out.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Holiday Weekend

Well I made it! I have however figured out that I should not be using brown rice syrup. Pretty disappointing. I guess I figured since it came from brown rice it should be fine but since its in a concentrated sugar form its not!! BOO HOO!
Well I did okay I made it through my first PMS we will see how I do next month without the syrup. My back was a killer this weekend I am not sure what happened. It actually felt like I injured it. I have been using ice, some remedy's and Advil. I plan on going to the chiropractor later today. This morning I woke with my throat draining. I will be hitting my supplements hard and PRAYER. I can't afford to go down.
I was so blessed to be able to go to the Whole Foods in Austin, It was awesome! I found some great goat and sheep cheese, and the sheep's yogurt was great!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Oct 7

well today was okay, however it was my first real headache since I started this. I am not real sure what the source was I forgot my sunglasses today so that could have triggered it.
My lunch sucked, I could not even finish it and I was hungry I am getting tired of the same salad over and over! I hope I am not eating too much brown rice. I made some wheat free pancakes today and they went right down the sink they sucked too! ha ha Well I stumble on good stuff here and there. Tomorrow I am meant to increase my thyroid so we will see. Oh ya the scale finally moved I think the first week I lost about 1.5 pounds. I should have lost 5-10 Its amazing that the sugar being yanked from my diet so abruptly did not make a bigger difference.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Oct 6, 2008

Today was a better day. I snacked on less nuts, I figures since the pounds where not coming off I needed to cut some extra fat out. Oh ya and did I mentioned I noticed that in the last week I have eaten almost a whole jar of almond butter!!
Today I did make some raw cookies that where wheat, dairy yady, yady, yady free!
coconut oil
brown rice syrup
almond butter
puffed brown rice
they were yummy I also make a chicken noodle soup but replaced the noodles with brown rice, it was good. oh ya and last night was great I ate a quesadilla using a brown rice tortilla with sheep's cheese. I felt like I was cheating! add some avocado and my homemade salsa and WHAALA!
Tomorrow I think I am going to take the full dose of the anti-yeast meds so I pray it works for me and not against me

Sunday, October 5, 2008

day 6

Okay I really do plan on writing more than once a week but the truth of the matter is that I really started this blog today and do not have time to fill in the blanks.
I am doing okay except for this nasty taste I have in my mouth I don't know if its from the die-off, or what??? One of my biggest fears going into this is that I would get bad headaches, and thank the LORD that only happen the first couple days and it was pretty mild.
Thank God I can have goat and sheep cheese, not really sure why but I am not complaining. I will ask her about that my next visit. I have talked to many people and visited many sites and everything I have read says that oats and brown rice are yeast free. I have used them in a crunch but trying not to lean on them too much. I cant believe I actually found unsweetened rice and almond milk that are good (kyah loves the almond milk) I am loving fajitas with avocado and tomatoes. I hope I do not get too burned out. I am going to make a soup tomorrow.
The most frustrating thing is that I have deprived myself big time and have probably only lost one pound. That Sucks! but I do feel less bloated. i find myself thinking of what i will eat next, i hope that goes away.
will post soon

dealing with reality sept 30

I have been waiting for my test results for almost 2 months and the appt in finally hear.
I knew going into it there would be some dietary changes, but was not prepared for them all.
I had several food groups tested and my yeast count.
I did not know I would have Kyah with me but I did and well lets just say she was a perfect angle till the Dr came in. Then she was terrible I had to threaten to spank her right in front of the DR.!!
Well she gave me lots of info about myself most of which I already knew. The interesting info was "You have a major wheat allergy" I did not want to hear that. She also told me my yeast count was over 4 times the healthy range.UHHHH Is this why my skin itches all the time? (I can scratch myself till I bleed) Okay so what do I do.......She prescribes me some strong anti-fungal and tell me to cut ALL sugar, wheat, corn, eggs, dairy, vinegars, and grains from my diet. So I say to myself "what in the He@# am I going to eat. She tells me I can eat all the meat and vegetables I want. This sounds like some sort of Atkins crap which I have no interest in. But hey I cant complain about the way I feel them complain about the plan to change it.
If you are reading this its cause you already probably know me. The reason why I decided to journal my journey was to share the knowledge of what I learn and my progress of healing. If I survive this anyone can. MAJOR SUGAR JUNKIE
Okay so day one
Lunch-salad with lemon and olive oil
with tomatoes goat cheese and pine nuts
snack- apple with almond butter(i can have 2 pieces of low sugar fruit)
dinner-grilled chicken and asparagus
snack- glass of unsweetened almond milk
and yes i went to bed hungry and mad