Monday, November 28, 2011


Well I had let the blog go obviously because I failed at eating YEAST FREE. And surprise, surprise IM BACK and guess what???Looks like my Dr. was right. I have a serious problem with yeast in my body! Ya I have been dealing with these stomach issues for over 3 years! I finally agreed to have the hida scan done on my gallbladder because myself and everyone else were convinced that it was the culprit to my pain.... I went to the office to have my results read and also go over my food allergy test and guess what??????? I HAVE THE BEST GALLBLADDER IN TOWN!!! I do however suffer from severe yeast overgrowth and if thats not bad enough my body is producing anibodies against the yeast ...... So I ask myself...Do you want to feel better??? HECK YA! I thought I was easting SO healthy all my raw milk, yogurt, eggs, whole grains.....dangit I am allergic to dairy!!!! SAY WHAT!!!!?????? okay....breath.....I can this! I can do ALL THINGS through Christ which strengthens me right????? Plus she says I can have sheep cheese and sheep yogurt (different protein) So in simple form I am OFF ALL GRAINS, SUGAR, COW DAIRY......STARCHY VEGGIES!!  I will share my journey and upload all my new recipes and pics...For now I need prayer for strength!

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