Sunday, October 5, 2008

day 6

Okay I really do plan on writing more than once a week but the truth of the matter is that I really started this blog today and do not have time to fill in the blanks.
I am doing okay except for this nasty taste I have in my mouth I don't know if its from the die-off, or what??? One of my biggest fears going into this is that I would get bad headaches, and thank the LORD that only happen the first couple days and it was pretty mild.
Thank God I can have goat and sheep cheese, not really sure why but I am not complaining. I will ask her about that my next visit. I have talked to many people and visited many sites and everything I have read says that oats and brown rice are yeast free. I have used them in a crunch but trying not to lean on them too much. I cant believe I actually found unsweetened rice and almond milk that are good (kyah loves the almond milk) I am loving fajitas with avocado and tomatoes. I hope I do not get too burned out. I am going to make a soup tomorrow.
The most frustrating thing is that I have deprived myself big time and have probably only lost one pound. That Sucks! but I do feel less bloated. i find myself thinking of what i will eat next, i hope that goes away.
will post soon

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