Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Holiday Weekend

Well I made it! I have however figured out that I should not be using brown rice syrup. Pretty disappointing. I guess I figured since it came from brown rice it should be fine but since its in a concentrated sugar form its not!! BOO HOO!
Well I did okay I made it through my first PMS we will see how I do next month without the syrup. My back was a killer this weekend I am not sure what happened. It actually felt like I injured it. I have been using ice, some remedy's and Advil. I plan on going to the chiropractor later today. This morning I woke with my throat draining. I will be hitting my supplements hard and PRAYER. I can't afford to go down.
I was so blessed to be able to go to the Whole Foods in Austin, It was awesome! I found some great goat and sheep cheese, and the sheep's yogurt was great!

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